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A trip to 'Haw Par Villa'

The place is quite old and historical to the chinese people.I can't belive that there are many gods on their race.Luck for my race, there is one and only god.The entrance is free.But there is one section that we have to pay.the section called "The 10 courts of hell"but muslims belive that we have only 7.

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I was shocked...

The exhibition is very violent.Alot of blood,people in pieces,organs cut off and alot of stations of punishment,due to their bad deeds.I don't kow about myself but I think for the chinese people,it is very educational.


Secondary School Choice Results are NEAR!!!

It is coming!I felt very anxious about what is coming in the near future.Will I achive to go to one of the choices?What is it like in the future?I have to face the music soon enough.I have to pull myself together.

I can't seemed to forget about my primary friends.We did almost everythig together in school.
so sad ...I missed them so much...
